Yoshifumi Taguchi's column

Tao Management : "Summary"


From "Spirit of Japan" Tao Management 2002

Tao---the origin of the cosmos

The cosmos which we inhabit has an origin; it is called the Tao. Elsewhere, the Tao is also referred to by names such as Lord of the universe, God, or the Creator. In the beginning, the Tao opened up the universe which, in turn, gave birth to all existence--meaning everything in this world---from plants and trees to land, and, of course, even including the human race. There is, therefore, nothing in the world which has not been touched by the Tao; everything is the "alter ego" of the Tao.

Because this "second-self" is one partof the Tao, it also means inheriting the Tao nature itself. Naturally, because we humans are also an element of this second-self, we too inherit the Tao nature. Unfortunately, however, we completely forget about this heritage with the result that we often become separated from the essentials of Tao. It is precisely this essence itself which is the supreme essence of all worldly things, and so it is necessary for us to, once more, study the Tao, return to it and endeavor not to forget it. Indeed, what kind of posture the Tao adopts in its relations to all things is the finest model for us humans. Leading our lives in accordance with the Tao is to conduct our lives in the best way possible. The corporate world is no exception: the company and all its organizational elements exist because of the influence of a part of the Tao. We can therefore say that all corporate activity and business is the Tao in action; consequently, in the company too, it is necessary for us to study the essence of the Tao as a way to excellence.

 The Tao in practice

 With the Tao in practice, there is never any delay, stoppage, or failure, and so there is no possibility of things going against what we hope to achieve.

 In corporate management, can there be any kind of work which does not feel the need of cosmic energy? When merchandise is being developed, ideas, design and technological breakthrough all need the assistance of cosmic energy. In the case of production, the delicate timing of combining different materials and the shaping of complicated forms are all results of cosmic energy. Also, when it comes to sales, the power that makes a product become a best-seller is the energy of the cosmos too. Furthermore, with the Tao in action, there is never any conflict or dispute with anything, so work proceeds by flowing along harmoniously. Concerning human relations in the workplace, when there is absence of hostility and contention, a cooperative spirit is awakened leading to a pooling of strengths resulting in a peaceful workplace with pleasant and rewarding human relations.

On the other hand, when it comes to customer relations, because there is no dispute between the supplier and user, the company naturally makes products which will truly satisfy the customer while the customer cooperates to ensure that he obtains a perfect product and one which he really wants. In other words, both sides engage in a mutual effort in the manufacture of the product, which results in, if we use the ordinary expression, a "made to order" situation.

Through such process of making a satisfactory product, the customer becomes in sympathy with the company's policy, rather than merely purchases the product. The sympathetic customer will, in the next moment, inevitably want to convey the merits of the product to those around him which will in effect be a recommendation of that product, so, in fact, the customer becomes a salesperson. There is no stopping this ever widening circle of support which eventually expands on a global scale and very naturally confers global status on the company. Also, even while there are many companies in the world, the enterprise that frees itself from competition becomes the only one that manufactures a particularproduct; it therefore becomes an "only one enterprise" and will channel the cost of competition into reinforcing its uniqueness. Thus, a non-competitive market is created.

 As outlined above, it is management that embraces the Tao that will become the most natural kind of management progressing smoothly and ensuring that business proceeds as planned; in other words, "Ideal Management" will be made possible.

Jozen wa mizu no gotoshi.
The most natural kind of management which follows the Tao way becomes a thing of harmony with the smooth fluidity of water. Moreover, like water, it skill fully permeates into empty spaces creating vitality and even a refreshing, all-cleansing dynamism.

The Tao as Mother--- Partnership in harmony

The Tao is the creator of all nature, and so all things in this world are children of the same mother--- children of the Tao. Therefore, all things are like brothers.

 In the same way, it is necessary to read just our thinking in the realization that everything in corporate activity is a blood-relation of everything else. For example, if we look at materials needed in the manufacture of goods in the same way as we perceive our fellow human beings, as brothers, then it means listening to the voices of the materials themselves, listening to what they have to say to us. From this, the ideal way of making the most of the materials will become clear. The latent possibilities of the materials' elements and constituents will emerge, bringing about a very natural way of utilizing the special qualities inherent in the materials. As a result, not only will optimum use be made of the materials' abilities, but also, during the production stage, putting materials together, bending and stretching, will proceed effortlessly without strain, while losses and superfluous power are kept to the minimum. If competitors are also seen as our brothers, the resulting cooperation will enable the customers' needs to be answered in the best way, and the market will be expanded enabling both sides to benefit from the ensuing large profits.

 In this way, the changes in corporate management caused by a shift from a concept of rivalry to one of harmonious partnership lead to expansion of the potential of the company itself, as well as bringing us closer to the best kind of corporate society.

 "Management with the Tao as its ideal", and "Harmonious partnership management" do not exhibit conflict or competition with anything, so the energy expended on competition, from, for example, the direct energy needed for the cost of competing through advertising and in product promotion, up to the mental burden of those responsible in the area of market fluctuation, will be rendered unnecessary, and so the company's energy is not wasted. Because the amount of energy is maintained at a constant level, fatigue will not be experienced in a company acting in this way. Thus, new values will be progressively created as a continuing contribution is made to the advancement of society and our lives.

Work is conducted in such a company with the smooth incorporation of cosmic energy, so the people involved have motivation and awareness when carrying out their jobs. Consequently, there is no loss, the level of creativity is high, and the impossible becomes possible, providing society with attractive business and products.

 Because there is no lack of creativity, new business and products are produced one after another so management does not have to rely on the "one-hit wonder" product or past business success. Also, when competing enterprises release rival products or enter the same kind of market, it is already a situation where the company will not stay for ever, already a situation where the company has opened up new ground and is in the process of moving there. Such a thing as competition, therefore, does not exist for this kind of company. We could also call this "Creative, flexible, thinking, management" .

 Furthermore, an enthusiasm will be created to pick up and deal with everything in the initial stages, and therefore the company can carry out its research by keeping abreast of popular trends. This enables it to adopt appropriate strategies in applying suitable countermeasures as well as always keeping it one step ahead of other companies when answering people's needs.

 On the other hand, concerning the negative aspects, any trouble or failure etc., occurring inside or outside the company, can soon be detected and nipped in the bud before a serious situation is reached. Instead of seeking to enhance its reputation and fame in the world at large or concentrating on becoming more conspicuous, the direction of making a true contribution to society is chosen resulting in a company which, while modest, is a company of stability and genuine ability.

 In everything, 70% of satisfaction is enough. Although customers have their demands, aim should be made to satisfy each customer by controlling expansion within a degree where profits can still be maintained, without trying for business expansion to merely increase size. Instead, all this energy can be put into enriching the customer's satisfaction which, in turn, will lead to securing continuous orders and conducting of business which can develop comfortably with room to maneuver.